Economy and Equity

The association between poverty and poor health has been well documented over many years, there is also substantial evidence that inequality plays an important role in health and wellbeing. 

Despite impressive scientific advances and massive economic growth over the past 60 years, disparities in wealth and health have persisted and, in many places, widened.

The economic and COVID 19 crises are a manifestation of a world made more unstable in large part because of socially unjust and excessive patterns of consumption that are resource depleting and wasteful. There is a disjunction between the rapid development of technology, science and medical care and the ability to use these advances to improve the lives of more people globally.

This group will elaborate on this theme.

We will develop a webinar on economies and health equity, a paper describing our proposals in some detail, and a concise, action-oriented statement. 


We have three main tasks. First, we will develop a webinar on economies and health equity. Second, we will develop a paper describing our proposals in some detail. And third, we will create a concise, action-oriented statement describing our proposals and who needs to do what to move them forward. SHEM will share both the paper and the statement widely. We also have flexibility on additional activities, if time and capacity permit.

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